teenagers to remain single..this for you~

when talking about teenagers, love is become the hottest topic in their life.they start to experienced love,to act like a husband or wife and anything related to love..some of them keep discussing about it in order to get a true meaning of love..and others try to avoid it as they know all risks that they should take when they are in love..but you TEENAGERS..i totally agreed with your decision to avoid love or serious relationship at such young ages..but, the question is..do you really avoid it??or you just keep talking rubbish to cover your own act..

dear teenagers,dear friends..one you said you prefer to be single..and you are not ready to have serious relationship..then you should stand your decision..what i mean here is you should take extra care of yourself by avoiding scandals and whatsoever..you can befriend with anyone you like,hang out with your bud..and in your life.. when someone express his feeling to you..then you should stand to your decision, say that you prefer to befriend with him..please teenagers..DON'T GIVE BUNCH OF HOPE TO YOUR ADMIRER,IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO FULFILL HIS REQUEST..

dear teenagers..love is beauty..life is beauty and this period of time is really wonderful.do not make it horrible by your own act..think of yourself and do what is best for you..and for me..i DO NOT wish to remain single in this time..sorry for everything..till we meet again..


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panjang gle dak hidayah ni komen..haha..pasl love mst komen pnjg2...tp aku:no komen...hahha

aku nk ikot ko gak min..
tp entry ni..
khas tok org hipokrit min..

ala...amin bajet baik la hehehe....ko da tau pendapat ak kat blog ak....jd kat sini ak no komen la hehehe...

komen je..
bkn nye ape pon..
klu xnk bce, tekan je icon tong sampah 2..
senang cite.